MathSAT C API Example(More examples can be found in the MathSAT distribution.) /* * api_example.c: A simple example of usage of the MathSAT API * author: Alberto Griggio <> * * to compile: gcc api_example.c -I${MSAT_DIR}/include -L${MSAT_DIR}/lib * -lmathsat -lgmpxx -lgmp -lstdc++ -o api_example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "mathsat.h" static void example1(); static void example_interpolation1(); static void example_interpolation2(); static void example_unsat_core(); int main() { printf("MathSAT API Examples\n"); printf("Press RETURN to begin...\n"); getchar(); example1(); printf("Press RETURN to continue...\n"); getchar(); example_interpolation1(); printf("Press RETURN to continue...\n"); getchar(); example_interpolation2(); printf("Press RETURN to continue...\n"); getchar(); example_unsat_core(); return 0; } static msat_term create_a_formula(msat_env env) { const char *vn[] = {"v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7", "v8"}; msat_decl vars[sizeof(vn)/sizeof(vn[0])]; const char *fn[] = {"f", "h"}; msat_decl funcs[sizeof(fn)/sizeof(fn[0])]; unsigned int i; msat_term res, tmp; msat_type rat_tp, func_tp; msat_type paramtps[1]; /* get the rat type (aka sort) */ rat_tp = msat_get_rational_type(env); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TYPE(rat_tp)); /* first, let's declare the functions we are going to use */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vn)/sizeof(vn[0]); ++i) { vars[i] = msat_declare_function(env, vn[i], rat_tp); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_DECL(vars[i])); } /* create the type for the functions */ paramtps[0] = rat_tp; func_tp = msat_get_function_type(env, paramtps, 1, rat_tp); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TYPE(func_tp)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fn)/sizeof(fn[0]); ++i) { funcs[i] = msat_declare_function(env, fn[i], func_tp); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_DECL(funcs[i])); } /* we can create terms in two ways. The easiest one is by using * msat_from_string. The syntax is that of SMT-LIBv2 */ res = msat_from_string( env, "(and (= v3 (h v0)) (= v4 (h v1)) (= v6 (f v2)) (= v7 (f v5)))"); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(res)); /* the other one is by using the various msat_make_* functions */ tmp = msat_make_leq(env, msat_make_constant(env, vars[1]), msat_make_constant(env, vars[0])); res = msat_make_and(env, res, tmp); tmp = msat_make_not(env, msat_make_equal(env, msat_make_constant(env, vars[6]), msat_make_constant(env, vars[7]))); res = msat_make_and(env, res, tmp); tmp = msat_from_string(env, "(and (<= v0 v1) (= v2 (- v3 v4)))"); res = msat_make_and(env, res, tmp); return res; } static void print_model(msat_env env) { /* we use a model iterator to retrieve the model values for all the * variables, and the necessary function instantiations */ msat_model_iterator iter = msat_create_model_iterator(env); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_MODEL_ITERATOR(iter)); printf("Model:\n"); while (msat_model_iterator_has_next(iter)) { msat_term t, v; char *s; msat_model_iterator_next(iter, &t;, &v;); s = msat_term_repr(t); assert(s); printf(" %s = ", s); msat_free(s); s = msat_term_repr(v); assert(s); printf("%s\n", s); msat_free(s); } msat_destroy_model_iterator(iter); } /* * This example shows the basic usage of the API for creating formulas, * checking satisfiability, and using the solver incrementally */ static void example1() { msat_config cfg; msat_env env; msat_term formula; msat_result status; int res; char *s; printf("\nExample 1\n"); /* first, we create a configuration */ cfg = msat_create_config(); /* enable model generation */ msat_set_option(cfg, "model_generation", "true"); /* create an environment with the above configuration */ env = msat_create_env(cfg); /* create a formula and assert it permanently */ formula = create_a_formula(env); res = msat_assert_formula(env, formula); assert(res == 0); s = msat_term_repr(formula); assert(s); printf("Asserted: %s\n", s); msat_free(s); /* incrementally add an assertion */ res = msat_push_backtrack_point(env); assert(res == 0); formula = msat_from_string(env, "(= v5 0)"); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(formula)); res = msat_assert_formula(env, formula); assert(res == 0); s = msat_term_repr(formula); assert(s); printf("Added constraint: %s\n", s); /* check satisfiability */ status = msat_solve(env); assert(status == MSAT_UNSAT); printf("Environment is inconsistent, retracting constraint %s\n", s); /* retract the assertion and try again with another one */ res = msat_pop_backtrack_point(env); assert(res == 0); res = msat_push_backtrack_point(env); assert(res == 0); formula = msat_from_string(env, "(= v5 v8)"); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(formula)); res = msat_assert_formula(env, formula); assert(res == 0); msat_free(s); s = msat_term_repr(formula); assert(s); printf("Added constraint: %s\n", s); msat_free(s); status = msat_solve(env); assert(status == MSAT_SAT); printf("Environment is now consistent, getting the model...\n"); /* display the model */ print_model(env); msat_destroy_env(env); msat_destroy_config(cfg); printf("\nExample 1 done\n"); } /* * this example shows how to generate an interpolant for the following pair of * formulas: * A = (and (= (+ (f x1) x2) x3) (= (+ (f y1) y2) y3) (<= y1 x1)) * B = (and (= x2 (g b)) (= y2 (g b)) (<= x1 y1) (< x3 y3)) */ static void example_interpolation1() { msat_config cfg; msat_env env; msat_term formula; const char *vars[] = {"x1", "x2", "x3", "y1", "y2", "y3", "b"}; const char *ufs[] = {"f", "g"}; unsigned int i; int res, group_a, group_b; msat_type rat_tp, func_tp; msat_type paramtps[1]; printf("\nInterpolation example\n"); cfg = msat_create_config(); /* enable interpolation support */ msat_set_option(cfg, "interpolation", "true"); env = msat_create_env(cfg); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_ENV(env)); /* the configuration can be deleted as soon as the evironment has been * created */ msat_destroy_config(cfg); rat_tp = msat_get_rational_type(env); paramtps[0] = rat_tp; func_tp = msat_get_function_type(env, paramtps, 1, rat_tp); /* declare variables/functions */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vars)/sizeof(vars[0]); ++i) { msat_decl d = msat_declare_function(env, vars[i], rat_tp); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_DECL(d)); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ufs)/sizeof(ufs[0]); ++i) { msat_decl d = msat_declare_function(env, ufs[i], func_tp); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_DECL(d)); } /* now create the interpolation groups representing the two formulas A and * B */ group_a = msat_create_itp_group(env); group_b = msat_create_itp_group(env); assert(group_a != -1 && group_b != -1); /* create and assert formula A */ formula = msat_from_string( env, "(and (= (+ (f x1) x2) x3) (= (+ (f y1) y2) y3) (<= y1 x1))"); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(formula)); /* tell MathSAT that all subsequent formulas belong to group A */ res = msat_set_itp_group(env, group_a); assert(res == 0); res = msat_assert_formula(env, formula); assert(res == 0); { char *s = msat_term_repr(formula); assert(s); printf("Asserted formula A (in group %d): %s\n", group_a, s); msat_free(s); } /* create and assert formula B */ formula = msat_from_string( env, "(and (= x2 (g b)) (= y2 (g b)) (<= x1 y1) (< x3 y3))"); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(formula)); /* tell MathSAT that all subsequent formulas belong to group B */ res = msat_set_itp_group(env, group_b); assert(res == 0); res = msat_assert_formula(env, formula); assert(res == 0); { char *s = msat_term_repr(formula); assert(s); printf("Asserted formula B (in group %d): %s\n", group_b, s); msat_free(s); } if (msat_solve(env) == MSAT_UNSAT) { int groups_of_a[1]; msat_term interpolant; char *s; groups_of_a[0] = group_a; interpolant = msat_get_interpolant(env, groups_of_a, 1); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(interpolant)); s = msat_term_repr(interpolant); assert(s); printf("\nOK, the interpolant is: %s\n", s); msat_free(s); } else { assert(0 && "should not happen!"); } msat_destroy_env(env); printf("\nInterpolation example 1 done\n"); } static void example_interpolation2() { msat_config cfg; const char *a_part; const char *b_part_1; const char *b_part_2; msat_env env; msat_term fa, fb1, fb2, itp; msat_result res; int ia, ib1, ib2; char *s; int ga[1]; cfg = msat_create_config(); msat_set_option(cfg, "interpolation", "true"); a_part = "(declare-fun x () Bool)" "(declare-fun y () Bool)" "(declare-fun z () Bool)" "(assert (and (or x y) (or (not y) x) (or (not x) z)))"; b_part_1 = "(declare-fun z () Bool)" "(declare-fun w () Bool)" "(declare-fun v () Bool)" "(assert (and (or w v (not z)) (or (not w) v) (not v)))"; b_part_2 = "(declare-fun z () Bool)" "(declare-fun x () Bool)" "(declare-fun v () Bool)" "(assert (and (or v (not z) (not x)) (or (not v) (not z))))"; env = msat_create_env(cfg); fa = msat_from_smtlib2(env, a_part); fb1 = msat_from_smtlib2(env, b_part_1); ia = msat_create_itp_group(env); msat_set_itp_group(env, ia); msat_assert_formula(env, fa); msat_push_backtrack_point(env); ib1 = msat_create_itp_group(env); msat_set_itp_group(env, ib1); msat_assert_formula(env, fb1); res = msat_solve(env); assert(res == MSAT_UNSAT); ga[0] = ia; itp = msat_get_interpolant(env, ga, 1); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(itp)); s = msat_to_smtlib2(env, itp); printf("Got interpolant 1:\n%s\n", s); msat_free(s); msat_pop_backtrack_point(env); msat_push_backtrack_point(env); fb2 = msat_from_smtlib2(env, b_part_2); ib2 = msat_create_itp_group(env); msat_set_itp_group(env, ib2); msat_assert_formula(env, fb2); res = msat_solve(env); assert(res == MSAT_UNSAT); itp = msat_get_interpolant(env, ga, 1); assert(!MSAT_ERROR_TERM(itp)); s = msat_to_smtlib2(env, itp); printf("Got interpolant 2:\n%s\n", s); msat_free(s); msat_destroy_env(env); msat_destroy_config(cfg); printf("Interpolation example 2 done\n"); } void example_unsat_core() { msat_config cfg; msat_env env; msat_decl x, y; msat_term a, b, c, t; msat_result res; msat_term *core; size_t i, core_size; char *s; cfg = msat_create_config(); /* enable unsat core generation */ msat_set_option(cfg, "unsat_core_generation", "1"); env = msat_create_env(cfg); msat_destroy_config(cfg); x = msat_declare_function(env, "x", msat_get_rational_type(env)); y = msat_declare_function(env, "y", msat_get_rational_type(env)); a = msat_from_string(env, "(not (> x 2))"); b = msat_from_string(env, "(> x 3)"); c = msat_from_string(env, "(> (+ x y) 0)"); /* compute an unsat core as a subset of the asserted formulas */ /* first, we assert the three constraints individually */ msat_assert_formula(env, a); s = msat_term_repr(a); printf("asserted: %s, id: %d\n", s, msat_term_id(a)); msat_free(s); msat_assert_formula(env, b); s = msat_term_repr(b); printf("asserted: %s, id: %d\n", s, msat_term_id(b)); msat_free(s); msat_assert_formula(env, c); s = msat_term_repr(c); printf("asserted: %s, id: %d\n", s, msat_term_id(c)); msat_free(s); res = msat_solve(env); assert(res == MSAT_UNSAT); /* get the unsat core */ core = msat_get_unsat_core(env, &core;_size); if (core == NULL) { printf("error in computing the unsat core\n"); } else { printf("the unsat core is:\n"); for (i = 0; i < core_size; ++i) { t = core[i]; s = msat_term_repr(t); printf(" %s, id: %d\n", s, msat_term_id(t)); msat_free(s); } msat_free(core); } msat_destroy_env(env); printf("Unsat core example done\n"); } |